Bijeenkomst Utrecht

On Monday 2 October 2023, a meeting will be held for all colleagues working in the municipality of Utrecht. The aim of this meeting is to share experiences, share information about the organisation and information about the transition in the municipality of Utrecht.

Date: Monday October 2, 2023
Time: 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Location: Careyn Rosendael (Indusdreef 5, Utrecht)

The formal part is from 19:30 to about 20:30. From 20:30 is the informal part with a snack and a drink.

On this page you can register for the meeting. Registration in advance is mandatory. Without registration you unfortunately cannot attend the meeting.
When registering you can also submit points that you would like to discuss or would like to have explained.

See you then!

Bijeenkomst Utrecht

Register for staff meeting

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